How humid should your home be? Relative humidity in Calgary refers to the percentage of water in the air. Typically, a comfortable home humidity range is between 30 and 60%. Depending on your preference, you can set the humidity level between 30 and 45%. However, you may find that the level you prefer is between 40 and 50%. In addition to this percentage, you can set your home’s temperature to make the air more comfortable in both summer and winter.

The comfortable home humidity range is between 30% and 60%

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, a comfortable home humidity should be between thirty and fifty percent. Humidity levels above sixty percent are considered too high and can cause harmful bacteria. The right humidity level depends on many factors, including your lifestyle, climate, clothing, and the time of year. For example, if you spend a lot of time outdoors, the ideal humidity level for your home will be between 50 and 60 percent.

Houseplants can increase humidity levels in your home

Humidity is vital for various reasons, including ensuring the health of your houseplants. Because we import most houseplants from tropical regions, their humidity levels are almost double that of the average home. But when you bring them home, you must contend with air conditioners sucking up water from the air and heating systems drying the air. While raising the humidity level in your home with a smart thermostat is possible, you may want to opt for another solution.

Using a humidifier in summer

It is vital to keep your indoor air humid and comfortable during the summer months. The humidity levels in the air can increase, and you may suffer from a higher allergy risk during this time of year. Luckily, there are many ways to combat this problem, including using a humidifier. This article will discuss three methods to keep indoor air humid and comfortable during summer. You can also use a humidifier to cool the air in your home and make it feel more relaxed.

Using a dehumidifier in winter

During the winter, moisture in your home can make you and your family uncomfortable. It can also damage your home. You can use water-draining techniques to prevent water buildup in your home. You can also direct excess water away from your home by installing a dehumidifier. However, the heat from your home may contribute to high humidity. If this happens, your home will begin to feel stuffy.

Using a smart device to control humidity levels

In addition to helping you keep your home comfortable, humidity sensors can also help you detect issues with air quality. Installing detectors throughout your home can balance your home’s temperature and humidity levels. If you have trouble breathing in humid air, humidity sensors can help you improve ventilation in your home. They can also help you deal with existing problems like mould and smells. By controlling the humidity levels in your home, you can ensure your family’s health and prevent costly damage.

How Humid Should Your Home Be?
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